So, this isn’t necessarily vegan, but Shaun Glenn, the man behind Be Breathe Become Consulting, used to host weekly meditation workshops for free (yes, you read that right) every Saturday at VegeNation. Therefore … we’ve added meditation in Las Vegas to Vegans, Baby. Also: being mindful and compassionate is a big part of vegan life, so it makes sense to include meditation!
Whether you want to learn meditation in Las Vegas, practice a more mindful existence or improve your wellness and productivity, Be Breathe Become has a program. Designed for individuals or groups/businesses, programs are designed to specifically meet the needs of the participants.

Programs focus on (you guessed it):
– How to be and learning to accept who we are right now;
– How to breathe, transform and cope with all the fun (and not so fun) curve balls life throws at you; and
– How to become the person hiding inside of ourselves
One-on-one programs
Six week one-on-one programs include hour long sessions either in person or over the phone designed to improve overall wellness and reaching of goals. Participants learn how to identify and discover points of stress in life and mindfulness techniques to make them less stressful.
Business programs
Business programs are 15 – 30 minutes weekly for six weeks and help reduce stress, improve wellness and increase employee productivity through practicing mindful techniques.
Glenn’s training leaves you feeling all zen, focused and can lead to lasting change. And, we all need a little more wellness and zen in our lives, don’t we?
To learn more: visit Be Breathe Become.
*Support the businesses who support vegans! Check out our Deals section with special offers on Las Vegas restaurants, health and wellness services, national products and more!
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