Note: The Vegan Dining Guide: Albany Region comes to us from Kristin Lajeunesse, author of Will Travel For Vegan Food. Her details are at the end of the guide. No matter where...
If you’re looking for vegan food in New York City, you’ve come to the right place. I spend most of my time checking out restaurants that are vegan or that have vegan options in NYC so I can share my findings with you. Restaurants included on this site are vegan or serve at least three specific plant-based dishes. You can search by food type and more using the Search box. Please note, at times cross-contamination may occur. If this is a concern, please speak directly with the restaurant. Check back often — I’ve been doing a lot of eating!
Have questions? Want us to try your food? Is there some vegan news you want to share for your city?
Vegans, Baby is a small, woman-owned business working to make it easier to be vegan. We work tirelessly to report on restaurants and vegan news. Want to say “thank you”? We’d deeply appreciate a cup of coffee to help offset the expenses and help support the small team we have.
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We’re always looking for vegan foodies around the world to share their best vegan finds and show how easy it is in their hometown to be vegan.
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